Aaron Resch

Hello! I'm Aaron Resch and I am a software developer in Nashville, TN.

Having always been fascinated with computers and the internet, I made the move to enroll in Nashville Software School to learn the tools of the trade for software and web development, and to sharpen my collaboration and teamwork skills.



Behind The Seams - NSS Full-stack Capstone

Behind The Seams is a full-stack web application developed for sewing enthusiasts. Users can catalog their favorite patterns (paper or PDF), track their projects, and keep inventory of their fabric. This project was created solo in a two-week sprint as my Nashville Software School final project. I was able to put to use all of the skills and patterns I learned throughout the program to build this app.

  • C# ASP.NET Web API server with a MS SQL Server Database
  • React front-end styled entirely with custom CSS
  • Includes image and file upload functionality, per-resource, per-user notes, image galleries, and more

Click to view on Github

Repertoire - NSS Front-End Capstone

Repertoire is a web application built using React, targeted towards musicians who like to find sheet music online. The app allows them to organize their repertoire, keep personal notes on how they like to play songs, embed YouTube videos to play along to, create setlists, and tune their instruments. This project was created solo in a two-week sprint, and helped to reinforce the concepts of CRUD functionality, extensive planning, and the single-responsibility principle.

  • Built in React with JSON-server as persistent data storage
  • Styled primarily with custom CSS (Material-UI used for confirmation dialogs)
  • Includes audio integration, printable drag-and-drop setlist rearranging, and six user-selectable themes

Click to view on Github


- aaronmresch@gmail.com - https://github.com/Resch17 - https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-resch